Some artistic food for a thoughtful sunny day

I came across this quote today:
"There are painters who turn the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun"
-Pablo Picasso
As an artist, a photographer specifically, I rely heavily on light, and as a human, I am incredibly inspired by the sun; So this quote appeals to me. Not only in it's literal nature, which invokes warm thoughts of a painter and his canvas poised next to an open, ocean-facing window, a easterly Spanish breeze sealing in the pure and powerful authenticity of the moment-- But also in it's symbolic resonance...

Making something extraordinary from nothing. Creating the ultimate warm and luminescent, universal, life-giving star out of a two-dimensional blob of paint. This is where the talent lies in art. This is where the magic is. This is what I LOVE about my job. And ironically, this is why I am not a painter...

I love photography, because in addition to actually documenting moments, I get to share my actual perception of the world with others in a medium, so life-like, that they can't argue its truth. A photograph, in it's truest form {which can be argued is becoming harder and harder to come by with the digital revolution sweeping the art/industry and the advent of programs like Photoshop} is a direct likeness of the subject...

And yet, somehow between the existence of the "subject" in day-to-day reality, and the image projected through the lens, burned into the halides of the negative {or the digital sensor}- there is life. There is something a little bit mysterious and a lot amazing that takes place in that space. There lies the fingerprint of the photographer, the artist, the conduit of the emotion and composition of that one moment... There lies the difference between a master and an amateur; titles that have nothing to do with education, equipment, age, privilege, location, language or gender. There lies the incredible "eye" that you either have or you don't. There lies translation of life to memory...

There lies the difference between a yellow spot, and the sun.

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Dane & Dane Photography at Wellness Pet Food Headquarters

We are very pleased to announce that Old Mother Hubbard Pets/Wellness Pet Food has selected and purchased 20 signed/ framed Dane & Dane Photographs to decorate the walls of their new corporate headquarters.

We will post updates as we have them. The work will be send out by Oct. 1, 2007

We are both honored and excited to be chosen for this wonderful project and can't wait to see how photographs compliment their no-doubt lovely Massachusetts offices.


We sent out an email to some of our clients telling them about this recent honor and this was our favorite response!! Thank you Todd, Boo, and Bonnie for this awesome video!

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Hardwood Hideaways: mixin it up

Just a quick note to let you know that you can see some of our "pet product" work for one of our favorite clients on Costco.com!

This is exciting for Hardwood Hideaway because it means a massive explosion of exposure, and great for us, because we think these photos look great!! If you are not familiar with this innovative and exceptional product... CHECK IT OUT!

Stay tuned for Hardwood Hideaway's latest and greatest product... SSSHHHhhh! It's a secret but we've already photographed it and you will find out soon! You're gonna LOVE IT!

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Great Dane Coffee Table Book- by J.Nichole

Just a very small note to say... The book is underway. There have been many wonderful developments, and through the hard work and referrals and cooperation of many, many people,"The Dane: Great and Greater" is now on its way to finality.

Thank you all and I will keep you posted!! For now, enjoy the cover mock-up featuring the one and only, "Henri" {who is now GIGANTIC by the way- check and his proud papa Bainbridge Island Architect Matthew Coates out in the upcoming fall issue of CityDog Magazine in the "Living the Vida Verde" Living feature}

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Seattle Magazine features Dane & Dane Photography

It's a Dog's Life-
By Brandie Ahlgren

To read Brandie's WHOLE article, click here


Now that Bowzer is beautified, a photo shoot might be next on the list. Furry fashionistas and their accompanying humans can partake in a daylong shoot with Dane & Dane Photography. The Il Diamante photo package, at a mere $1,999, includes a stylist for both canine and human, four-hour photo shoot, catered lunch and optional door-to-studio, dog-friendly limo service at an additional cost. There is no shortage of talented dog photographers in Seattle, so shop around for the one that suits your budget and style. Here are a few to get you started:

• Dane & Dane Photography, 888.201.3778; dane-dane.com
• B Sparks Photography, 206.723.8655; dogphotography.com
• Best Friend Photography, 206.935.5624; bestfriendphoto.com
• Four Legs Photography, 206.890.8295; fourlegsphoto.com
• Damian Lix Photography Design, 206.724.8041; daimianlix.com"


FYI- Just to clear up any confusion...

Not all our sittings are for the royally spoiled at $1,999 a pop! In fact, we have some fun specials going on now for the holidays, perfect for family portraits of holiday cards featuring your photogenic pooch or pretty kitty!

Just email or call 888.201.3778 for prices/promotions!!

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Hometown Heroes: The Book Project

Last weekend I traveled back to my hometown to photograph some local spots for a book project of "Hometown Hero" articles {generously donated by their author, Susan Knickerbocker}

These articles feature "Hometown Heroes" - Local legends around Whidbey Island who are working with little reward or recognition for the betterment of their community. These articles run weekly in the "South Whidbey Record" and now, about 35 of them will appear in this, the first volume, to benefit "South Whidbey Commons Youth Project".

This is a great cause so I thought I would share some of my shots from my old stomping grounds: The oh-so-lovely Whidbey Island. Many of these photos will appear in the book, which will go to print later this year.

*a personal side note: during this visit I stumbled upon the grave of one of my high school friends who was killed in a car crash only a few days after we graduated. Last time I saw flowers for him, they were lining the road where he died. It was both a very sobering and very re-affirming experience. Makes me want to "come home" more often-- to indulge in all things home + family*

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