Some artistic food for a thoughtful sunny day
I came across this quote today:

"There are painters who turn the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun"-Pablo Picasso

Making something extraordinary from nothing. Creating the ultimate warm and luminescent, universal, life-giving star out of a two-dimensional blob of paint. This is where the talent lies in art. This is where the magic is. This is what I LOVE about my job. And ironically, this is why I am not a painter...
I love photography, because in addition to actually documenting moments, I get to share my actual perception of the world with others in a medium, so life-like, that they can't argue its truth. A photograph, in it's truest form {which can be argued is becoming harder and harder to come by with the digital revolution sweeping the art/industry and the advent of programs like Photoshop} is a direct likeness of the subject...

Labels: artist statement, great art, Pablo Picasso, photography, the sun, yellow paint