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Meet Dude.

Dude lives up to his name! Eager to go where ever it is you lead, this guy is destined to be the ultimate companion. He is clearly still a puppy-- At all of 11 months of age, Dude is excited about EVERYTHING but quickly mellows when you spend a moment petting him, or ask him to sit for a biscuit.

I have to say that Dude was one of the easiest shoots I have had in ages. He sat on command, predictably performed the "adorable head tilt" and in yellow Lab fashion, casually hung out with Jeff and I like one of the gang.

Important to know about our friend Dude, is that he was released to the shelter for some escape maneuvers-- Seems he charged through a screen door to follow a playmate down the street. Dude is not a pet you can leave at home all day while you're at work- he will need a steady dose of attention, but in return, I promise you will have a solid gold pup!

Another Holiday Cutie!

Another creature I couldn't resist sharing with you all; Partly because all puppies are irresistible and partly because the candy cane idea (which was his mom's) is brilliant, but mostly because I am obviously partial to harlequin Great Danes and this little man is a fine example!! Thanks Sam for sharing your baby with the world!!
Meet Boatswain {Pronounced "Bosun"}

There are only a few pre-holiday sittings left! Email or call now to reserve your spot at the awesome limited time offer price of $189!!
studio. 888.201.3778 direct. 206.240.8560 email. info@dane-dane.com
Meet Gus.

Gus is a spunky, handsome, energetic character! Zooming this way and that, he was barely in one spot long enough to pose (and if he WAS posing it was under or behind a random piece of furniture!)

Full of spit and vinegar, little Gus is a young wild man who loves to run, jump, dive and generally frolic. Athletic and curious, the kitten in him is very apparent. He has incredible markings and striking orange eyes. Gus is petite and very soft, and in between the laps around the studio he purred and purred for treats and petting.

He does play a little rough with claws-- Which should be a behavior he out grows as he continues to be socialized and nurtured, however, he probably isn't right for a home with young children.

Occasionally a talker, Gus is very aware of his surroundings- LOVES watching the rain on the window and enjoys bathing himself about every ten minutes :)

Cave B: Inn & Winery

Upon my somewhat tardy arrival Brandie and I enjoyed a wonderfully delicious, decadent, and photogenic dinner at the Inn's restaurant. I had beef- which is a rare occurrence (excuse the pun) and it was to die for!! There was also an incredible salad and unbelievable dessert. Needless to say-- we indulged so thoroughly that we didn't even need breakfast the next morning!! :)Yum!! (side note: I found out later that the "Chef de Cuisine" at Tendrils is a former school mate of mine from Whidbey Island-- small world isn't it!)

After some "Cave B" wine, an excessive dose of doggie kisses from Scout and Ziggy, and some half-assed planning about the next day we said goodnight and I wandered back to find Olivia making herself quite at home...

The rest of the morning was spent taking more photos... I had the chance to walk the grounds with the CityDog dogs running here and there. Good fun. Then a shoot with Brandie, and pan of the lobby, a shot of the Chef, and then back to Seattle- straight to the W for yet another photo adventure in a hotel establishment... Yee haw!! (I should add that we narrowly avoided the impending snow in Snoqualmie pass: Beat it by only a few hours *whew*)

Two thumbs enthusiastically up for Cave B. A warm thank you to the wonderful staff for a delightful stay, and delicious meal and some incredible scenery.