Meet Gus.

Gus is a spunky, handsome, energetic character! Zooming this way and that, he was barely in one spot long enough to pose (and if he WAS posing it was under or behind a random piece of furniture!)

Full of spit and vinegar, little Gus is a young wild man who loves to run, jump, dive and generally frolic. Athletic and curious, the kitten in him is very apparent. He has incredible markings and striking orange eyes. Gus is petite and very soft, and in between the laps around the studio he purred and purred for treats and petting.

He does play a little rough with claws-- Which should be a behavior he out grows as he continues to be socialized and nurtured, however, he probably isn't right for a home with young children.

Occasionally a talker, Gus is very aware of his surroundings- LOVES watching the rain on the window and enjoys bathing himself about every ten minutes :)

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