KHS Animal Krackers 2006 was WILD!

The mood of the event was immediately peppy and I enjoyed browsing the silent auction tables, chatting with volunteers and guests, and photographing every little thing that caught my reckless eye. I guess it was good that I was armed with a camera, not a pen, or I would have BID on every little thing that caught my reckless eye!

Kip, the auctioneer extraordinaire, was great as always- inciting bidding frenzies that beat most "dream values" but fell just short of rioting.

The high dollar items of the night were both the "2007 KHS Animal Krackers Catalog Cover" and the "2008 KHS Calendar Cover" combined fetching an exciting $6,500!!! Of course, being the photographer who donated the portrait sessions for these items, I was a giddy, cheering mess while these bidding wars carried on-- I took photos of these great moments, but they will never see the light of blog because they are blurry. I guess that's to be expected since I was not only simultaneously jumping up and down and clapping, but also whipping my head back and forth between bidders. Sorry about that. :)

The meal was delicious, the company was delightful (I had the privilege to sit with Mindy of Aunty Min's Pet Sitting + guest and Rebekah of the Gentle Groomer + guest) and I ran into Candy Burt of Bark Busters- the pretty in pink lady who helped me train Olivia. Looking for an end to your dog's behavioral issues? She's your gal! And by end, I mean lifetime guarantee!! Yup. No joke.

Anyhow- before I knew it there was Cheesecake in front of me and the night was coming to a close, but by this time it was already nearing 10pm and I was quite exhausted from the festivities!

Thank you Thank you Thank you to all you wonderful patrons! You are the ones who make it all happen. The animals and I humbly thank you, and thank you again.

Look for some of my photos from the event in the "scene" section of the Winter issue of "Westsound Home & Garden Magazine".
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