Yappy Howlidays Party: Dec. 13th!

What: Yappy Howliday party
presented by CityDog Magazine, W Seattle and Dane & Dane Photography
When: Wednesday, Dec. 13th 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: W Seattle, 1112 Fourth Avenue (4th & Seneca)
Who: You and the "lucky dogs" who accompany you!

The weather outside may be frightful, but at the swanky W Seattle it's quite delightful! That's where CityDog Magazine will be hosting its annual Yappy Howliday party. Join us with your best two- and four-legged friends for a festive evening of no-host cocktails, holiday treats, portraits with me, J. Nichole Smith of Dane & Dane Photography and much more!

Are you a pet professional? Interested in sponsoring the party? Contact CityDog Magazine for details about how to get your marketing materials in the paws of all of our lovely guests!!

Stay tuned for more updates, more info, and more photographs -Coming soon-
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