NW Source Pet Photography feature
Is Whiskers ready for her close-up?
Take your pick of the pet-portrait litter with images in film, pixels and paint
By Lisa Wogan -- NWsource
* * * Click HERE to read the article * * *
Lisa Wogan, local pet columnist and author of "Unleashed: Climbing Canines, Hiking Hounds, Fishing Fidos and Other Daring Dogs" (profiles of furry adventurers who coax us out of our armchairs, and prod us to run a little faster, hike a little farther and play a little wilder. Available at area bookstores and online.) has written another knock-out piece about local pet happenings...
Which lucky for us, includes Dane & Dane Photography... Check it out, it's a GREAT write-up!
Labels: J.Nichole Smith, lisa wogan, nw source, online article, pet gifts, seattle pet artists, Seattle Pet Photographer, seattle pet photography