Skylark rocks the party {even if they're dog free}

Although we usually don't post anything here that has NOTHING to do with dogs... This time... We just had to!
Congratulations to the Skylark Cafe & Club - our favorite neighborhood brunch/ lunch/ dinner/ drinking/ live music place for being voted BEST PLACE TO SEE LIVE MUSIC IN SEATTLE by nwsource!
Woot Woot!
And by the way, in case you missed the Summer issue of CityDog Magazine {which included a delicious "Backyard BBQ" spread} Inside is the recipe for Skylark GM and lord-bartender Matthew Darling's famed "Pom Pom"
Although, for the sake of keeping it dog friendly, we like to call it the "Pom Pomeranian"-- GO check it out!

Rock on Skylark, keep up the good work, the tasty tots and the free shows! {Oh and add the deck we keep hearing about so we can bring our pooches to the party}