Meet Rosy.

Meet Rosie..{UPDATE: Rosie went home today (3-15-06) with a great family!! Congrats little Rosie!}

We don't know much about this playful pup, other than she was a stray in the Hansville area. She is about a year old and my is she a darling! She hopped and crawled from various soft things in the studio to the backdrop. She only gave me about 5 seconds of smiles at a time because there was just so much to see and sniff! She is absolutely joyful and sweet. She has very kind eyes and a pitbull body of solid muscle.

She did love to be loved and as long as I kept petting her, she layed her head on the arm rest and soaked in the attention. Other than that she was on the go! It seems that perhaps she hasn't had the best experiences walking on a leash, but most of the time it's not an issue. She just needs someone to love and adore her and definitely get her a very soft comfy bed (because she couldn't get enough of olivia's!)

Dane & Dane @ the Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show

Join me at the 119th and 120th annual Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show at Qwest Field Events Center, March 11th and 12th.

I will be there with camera-in-hand to witness and document the multiple events and competitions. Doors open at 7am and the show starts at 8am both days. Admission is $10 for adults, and $16 for a two-day pass.

Dane & Dane Playtime: February

Well we had a small group today out at Point-no-Point... But we had a blast with just the 4 of us! Hooch, Olivia, Guinness and Porter all took turns playing "follow the one with the stick" and bounding through the deep sand banks and shallow incoming tide. Guinny and Porter even found a balloon (which they promptly destroyed) and Olivia showed off her new Fox & Hound collar and her "Princess Squish" Fetching tag.

The weather wasn't the best, but luckily it wasn't raining... Hard. It was amazing to see what the storm had brought into shore, the driftwood was everywhere (which as you can see meant plenty of giant sticks for "tug") We also met two Golden friends,

and managed to have a mini-birthday party in the parking lot, with a bowl of water and some party favors from the Three Dog Bakery. Hooch also gave Olivia a bully-stick. Awwww. Mark your calendars, the next Dane & Dane meetup is scheduled for Bainbridge Island, March 26th!

R & R in Tucson, AZ

Just back from Tucson, Arizona I am pleased to report that between my private Pet Portrait Sittings, I did get a bit tan... But more importantly... A bit rested! I thought it might be fun to share some of my photos from the Tucson Rodeo Parade. Keep in mind... This is the largest non-motorized parade in the world! Comprised mostly of horses and carriages and student marching bands, this parade was a delight for young and old!! Enjoy.

Colleen Paige in Urban Dog Magazine

...image from Urban Dog Magazine

Founder of National Dog Day (and my dear friend) Colleen Paige, was interviewed for the most recent issue of "Urban Dog Magazine"

Check it out!

Meet Daisy Mae.

Meet Daisy Mae. {UPDATE: Daisy May went home with her new family today, March 3-7-06!}

My first glimpse of Daisy Mae was upside down and sideways between a chair and a piano bench. She had immediately discovered the most concealed and private corner of the studio, and wedged herself between the carpet and the underside of a "coca-cola" wagon. She didn't seem scared or skiddish, I just got the impression that she liked to be cuddled in tight spaces. When I started talking to her, and removed the little toy wagon, she looked up at me as if to say, "well now how will we play hide-n-seek"

Once in the spotlight, Daisy Mae loosened up... Curling into the nest of silk and fleece. Her constant curious glances towards the windows and doors lessened, and her eyelids drooped. Soon she was fast asleep, purring away.

Poor little Daisy was displaced from her Port Orchard home because newborn baby took her place. I am told that she is about 5 yrs old, spayed, litter-box trained and from what I can tell, she is an absolute angel. Daisy is a bit shy at first, but warms right up. She is also a bit uncertain of loud noises (especially the vacuum) and she's not too keen on baths. She very much enjoys catnip, fake mice, and watching out the window, and would be the perfect kitty for someone with older children, other cats, and/or no dogs.

Dane & Dane On Location in Arizona

I will be on-location in Tucson, AZ from Feb. 15th-Feb 24th. During this time I will be checking email and voicemail, so do not hesitate to contact me. When I return, we are scheduled to have our second ever "Dane & Dane Playtime" at Point No Point~ This will also be a bit of a "Dane Birthday" celebration... so if you know anyone with a Great Dane... do invite them to join us!!


National Dog Day Press Release

National Dog Day Foundation to Save 10,000 Dogs with Pixels
Animal Artist’s and Photographers Help with the Goal to Build
First National Dog Day “No-Kill” Shelter on Olympic Peninsula

Seattle, WA February 9, 2006 - The latest craze in internet advertising is “literally going to the dogs.” The goal of TenThousandPixelPuppies.com is to “save” 10,000 Homeless Dogs across the country and is the brain child of dog behavioral expert, Colleen Paige, the founder of National Dog Day. All proceeds from the site will go to the National Dog Day Foundation which is sponsoring the First Annual National Dog Day, taking place August 26th, 2006.

TenThousandPixelPuppies.com will present a collage of 10,000 dog faces in the form of original art and photography by talented individuals all over the country. As the squares are purchased the dog faces are replaced with company logos, and you’ll be able to literally visualize thousands of dogs being saved!

All art and photography submissions are free to submit and a link to the prospective submitter’s web site will be offered in gratitude for those submissions. There is no limit to how many “dog face” contributions
one can make and the proceeds from this site will go to directly fund the first National Dog Day “no kill” Shelter on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

Companies or individuals can purchase a half inch x half inch block ad space for $100.00 - which will then be linked back to the companies’ web sites. There are no limits to the amount of blocks that can be bought by either companies or individuals. Each company will receive one year's exposure on TenThousandPixelPuppies.com. Sponsors’ ads will appear immediately, but their "year" of exposure” will not officially begin until all ad spaces are filled, giving them additional exposure.

The holiday will be launched with a parade in New York City and day long special events at Hotel Pennsylvania in Manhattan. The Grand Marshall for the parade will be Jon Provost the beloved “Timmy” from the original Lassie television series. National Dog Day has been busy “barking” up steam with a number of impressive sponsors and supporters already on board including; Fido Friendly Magazine, American Greetings, Artist Ron Burns, Forbes Magazine’s Photographer Glen Davis, Nutro Dog Food, Petco, Midwest Airlines and many others.

TenThousandPixelPuppies.com was launched on January 20th, but artists are still urged to get artwork submissions in! Anyone interested in submitting artwork or buying ad blocks should visit TenThousandPixelPuppies.com for ad and art specs.

National Dog Day's major focus is to pay homage to the unconditional love, companionship and bravery that dogs bring to us on a daily basis. Whether its service dogs that help the blind, handicapped or other-wise challenged humans, military dogs that serve in wars and public disasters (bomb-sniffing, hurricane relief, 9/11 rescue) or our own loving companions.

Meet Clover.

Meet Clover. {UPDATE: Clover was adopted over the Feb. 11th weekend~ YAY!}

When Clover arrived at the studio, Jeff immediately informed me that he was a bit shy. Indeed, Clover wasn't quite sure what to make of me, or the sights and sounds of the studio. He paced a bit back and forth between Jeff and I with an occasional lick on my hand, or perking up of his ears as his attention turned to the sounds outside.

When we coaxed him onto the backdrop (with the help of Olivia's very comfy bed) he seemed to relax a little, but still his attention shifted often, and didn't seem to be affected by treats, tennis balls, or squeakers.

After a half an hour or so, Clover warmed up and seemed to accept his fate as "model for a day" he still paced a bit between Jeff and myself and the door and the bed, but eventually he seemed at ease, curled up on the velvet under the warmth of his spotlights.

Clover is a very loving and affectionate young male. He is a Husky/Malamute mix, and as you can see has striking eyes, one blue and one brown. At his previous home he was an outdoor dog who needed a securely fenced yard. He can sit on command and loved being a part of the family. It is recommended that his new home not have cats or children under 6, and that his new family take him to professional training to learn all the things a good boy knows. Clover's last owner did not have time to take care of him anymore, but it seems that some good exercise, proper socialization and TLC will do him well ~ Clover is a good dog who just needs someone to take good care of him, so that he can return the favor.