Yes we can.

We have a new President America, we spoke and we have been heard.
If this young, self-employed woman, who doesn't own a house or have a stock portfolio or even health insurance - who does make student loan payments and car payments and multiple rent payments while trying to live the "American Dream" in one of the highest taxed states in the country- if this young woman has hope, so my friend should you.
We are entering an exciting time in our history and I am honored to be along for the ride- more than that, for the first time in my life, I can say without hesitation that I am damn proud to be an American.
...and just in case you missed it - Mr. Obama is buying his girls a puppy when they move into the White house - he says they've earned it. What do you think - Golden Retriever? Labradoodle? Pound puppy?
Oh -- and just in case you haven't seen this yet: check out Sarah Palin as President - click around the oval office to kill yourself with laughter
Labels: 2009 election, Barack Obama, Obama's puppy., proud to be an american, Sarah Palin for President
I'm all about them adopting a (shelter) dog, but the need to bring a shelter cat to the White House too! There is even a petition floating around the internet somewhere.
It was an amazing historic night in which the American people can be proud to have been apart of.
Man, did I cry through that night! It gave this non-home owning, new business starting, disabled woman--who can't even get state insurance to get necessary equipment like a wheelchair--a whole lot of hope. And it is nice to feel patriotic again, too. I feel so fortunate to be here to witness this new day!
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