Meet the horses of KHS
Meet Sugar... and son.

These photos were taken in especially nasty weather for a special mission to supply images for the Humane Society to submit to PetSmart Charities. PetSmart donated the funds to put up this "Loafing Shed" when the KHS recently took in about 7 rescued horses. If PetSmart chooses these photos for their newsletter, the Shelter will receive a cash award... cross your fingers for them!

One of the horses that now resides at the KHS barn was a very, very pregnant Arabian mare. Not too long after she arrived she gave birth to a healthy little colt that is full of fire! Here are several of the photos from my afternoon hiding in their stall.

All of the horses currently at KHS will be auctioned to the highest and most qualified bidder. Application are available at KHS and opening bids range between $200-$500. If you are in need of an Equine friend, please invite one of these beautiful kids into your home. Also, for more about this story, and all the many generous volunteers and donations, please see the front page article in the Central Kitsap Reporter, this coming Saturday.
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