Decopaw? Cowbelly? Great names... greater art!!

To this day, it remains one of my very favorites.
What I didn't know, when I first saw this clever and masterful work, was that photographer /designer Jamie Pflughoeft {owner/operator of Cowbelly Photography} is just as whimsical, charming, and absolutely captivating as her carefully crafted art work.
Jamie {and her sweet, sparkle-eyed pup Fergie} live, work and play in Seattle. They epitomize the perfect urban northwest pair- usually on the way to or from the dog park, camera and tennis ball in hand: a frolicking manifestation of the exquisite art they create. {Jamie may be the brains behind the work, but for-sure Fergie's the inspiration!}

I could call Jamie "competition" but I prefer to call her friend, and I can't wait to commission a huge Decopaw of Olivia to hang proudly in the Dane & Dane studios for all to drool over. If, somehow, you are NOT familiar with the divine creations of this lovely local lady, visit her sites, if you ARE familiar, visit again: I promise it will brighten your day!
It's an honor to have colleagues like Jamie- and talent and vision like hers, take this whole "pet portrait business" thing up a notch {or 10}
* * *
Labels: Cowbelly Photography, Decopaw Design, Jamie Pflughoeft, Seattle Dog Photographer
Oh Nichole you are such a doll. I feel honored to have such a talented, savvy, caring, warm-hearted, hard-working competitor as a friend!
Looking forward to our next monthly cocktail session!
Jamie 'Cowbelly'
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